Search 52,877 real estate properties for sale in
Miami Dade County: 18,076
detached homes: 5,266
condos / villas / townhouses: 12,810
Broward County: 17,378
detached homes: 5,572
condos / villas / townhouses: 11,806
Palm Beach County: 17,423
detached homes: 6,557
condos / villas / townhouses:10,866
(updated on 02/13/2025 11:31)


The most comprehensive database of South East Florida communities anywhere! Please click on any of the city links that listed below to see a full report on existing communities of single and multifamily homes, townhouses, villas, condos and apartments. Please don't hesitate to contact us directly if you have questions or comments.

Miami-Dade County
Broward County
Palm Beach County